Friday, September 27, 2013

WTF France: There is no corn in France

Actually, there is corn in France - fields and fields of it. 

They have corn like this:


What they don't have is corn like this:


I remember the first time my chéri told me he had never eaten corn on the cob. I felt baffled and slightly horrified. (Much the same way I felt when he told me he had never seen The Wizard of Oz)

But what really baffles me is how there can be fields and fields and more fields of corn as far as the eye can see in the French countryside, yet in the French grocery store, there is no corn to be found. (Except sometimes in cans. I think we can agree it's not the same thing.) 

So what are all these corn fields doing here if no one is eating corn? Well, it seems someone is eating corn - farm animals. When I expressed my befuddlement over the so-much-corn-yet-so-little-corn conundrum, all I got was a slightly cocked eyebrow and a shrug. Apparently, in France, corn is for the animals to eat and humans show very little interest in it. 

That makes me sad, because I love fresh corn on the cob with butter and salt in the summer. 

But then I go to the boulangerie, and I feel okay again. I guess there are still some things that France does pretty well... even if they suck at corn.


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