Thursday, September 19, 2013

WTF France: Foie Gras Chips

If you go to the grocery store in France, you might notice that there are some things they do differently here.

They don't refrigerate milk...
French grocery store
"After five months [unrefrigerated French milk] simply turns to cheese and is moved to a different section of the grocery store." *
-David Sedaris, "Me Talk Pretty One Day"

The yogurt aisle is a mile long...

French grocery store
This is only ONE SIDE of the yogurt aisle in Carrefour. The other side has EVEN MORE YOGURT.

They have a million flavors of syrup to jazz up your water...
sirop en France
The peach iced tea flavor is pretty good

...and they have as many kinds of jam as Essie has colors of nail polish (but they taste better)
French grocery store
How many kinds of French jam do you see?

But the thing that fascinates me the most is....

French grocery store

The chips!!

Chip are different here. I mean, yes, they have your regular plain salty chips, and you can buy sour cream and onion Pringles, and if you're in the right store they will have something barbeque flavored, but they also have flavors like paprika and roast chicken.

French grocery store
They actually taste like roast chicken

But the chips that take the cake? 
(haha - chips taking the cake)

French Grocery store
Fois Gras chips. For realz.

Fois Gras chips. This is seriously a thing. 

When I posted this photo on Facebook, the reactions ranged from "Amazing!" to "Ewww!" to "How can anything containing foie gras ever be eww?"

I left the tasting of these chips to the extreme fois gras enthusiasts and experimental grocery shoppers (of which I do not join the ranks - give me my plain salty Monster Munch) but now I kind of regret it. If you've ever tried them, I want to know... Were they delicious or "eww"?

*Note: this is not actually how French cheese is made. 

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