Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Paris Flashback: Christmas windows of 2012

Even though I prefer living in Lyon to living in Paris (more on that later) no one does Christmas window displays like Paris department stores. Here's a flashback from my life in Paris last year, Christmas in Paris 2012.

Lights at Le Bon Marché

Le Bon Marché, Rive Gauche. I miss bringing home Christmas goodies from the Epicierie! Do you know how hard it is to find Christine Ferber jam in Lyon? 

Printemps, on Boulevard Haussman, was nothing short of spectacular

Dior was the official sponsor

They even had a window display featuring one of my favorite perfumes. La classe.

Not only did these ladies move, they were ice-skating.

The snazziest, jazziest flamingos in all of Paris were celebrating Christmas right here at Printemps

These windows always draw a crowd - I had to push some kids out of the way to get a decent photo.
(jk, jk)

Shoddy photo, I know, but can we talk about how much I want this dress? And a unicorn?

These guys are blurry because they were dancing! This little guy in the front is literally kicking up his heels. 

Over at Galeries Lafayette, they were dancing too...

...but I think they went to a different ball

Speaking of going to the ball, inside Galeries Lafayette was Cinderella's carriage (which, apparently, you are not allowed to ride in)

But most spectacular of all is the iconic Galeries Lafayette Swarovski Christmas tree

And the stained glass ceiling

When is the view of department store cosmetic counters ever so lovely and lit up? 

Galeries Lafayette, beautiful inside and out

Now I live in Lyon, and I miss the Christmas displays of Paris (but not the Christmas crowds.) 
                                  Did the grands magasins of Paris top last year? 

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